Microchip Design Platform
The European Union-supported Microchip Design Platform is a strategic EU initiative aimed at promoting innovation and excellence in microchip design and development.
The design platform will provide European developers and start-ups with a cloud-based virtual development environment integrating a wide range of design facilities, from IP libraries to Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools, as well as support services.
The platform will be accessible in an open, non-discriminatory and transparent way with help from Chips Competence Centres. The platform will stimulate wide cooperation between users and key actors of the ecosystem and reinforce Europe’s chip design capacity.
EU calls to launch the development of the platform will be closed October 10th 2024. Based on the call , a dedicated Platform Coordination Team (PCT) will be established to carry out the development and facilitate the deployment and take-up. The work of the chosen consortium is expected to start in January 2024 and the platform is expected to become available for users in 2026.
This platform is an essential component of the Chips for Europe Initiative and the EU's broader strategy to leverage microchip design as a key driver of innovation, sustainability, and economic growth across various sectors.
Tampere University is the Finnish member of a consortium preparing a proposal for PCT.
Contact person

Jarmo Takala